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September 29th, 3:00 pm - Persistence of Cormorants Reading Series: Reading with Hilary Sideris. 165 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY

October 2nd - Burlington Center for the Arts, Burlington, VT


October 20th - Brattleboro Literary Festival, Brattleboro, VT

October 30th - Norwich Bookstore, Norwich, VT

November 2nd - Green Mountain Book Festival, Burlington, VT


The Writers Place: I-70 Review Reading - Kansas City, MO

Book Culture: Reading with Terese Svoboda and Carolyn Hembree - New York, NY

Phoenix Books: Reading with Stephen Cramer - Burlington, VT

Vermont Studio Center: 40th Anniversary Reading - Johnson, VT

Poets House: Reading with Alison Prine and Tracy Fuad - Zoom




The INN on Trout River: Creative Expression for the Arts - Montgomery, VT

University of Siegen: Reading & Lecture - Siegen, Germany


Persistence of Cormorants Reading Series - Brooklyn, NY

Fielder Farm Writers Retreat: Visiting Writer - Huntington, VT


Chautauqua Institution: “Creating the Online Literary Magazine Plant-Human Quarterly


Ossabaw Island Writers Retreat: Poetry Reading - Savannah, GA

AWP Conference: Salmon Poetry, Poetry Reading, - Portland, OR

Collected Works Bookstore: Poetry Reading - Santa Fe, NM

Capitol Plaza: Vermont Poets & Their Craft Lecture - Montpelier, VT

Galaxy Books: Vermont Poets & Their Craft Lecture - Hardwick, VT

Bartleby’s Books: Vermont Poets & Their Craft Lecture - Manchester, VT

Bryant Park Poetry Series: Poetry Reading - Manhattan, NY

Setauket Harbor Poetry Series: Poetry Reading - Setauket, NY

Lunar Walk Series: Poetry Reading - Brooklyn, NY


Chautauqua Institution: “The Art of Concealing and Revealing in Poetry” Lecture

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